Fans of film and art are in for a treat, especially if you live in New Mexico. The Downtown Contemporary Gallery in Albuquerque this weekend debuted a new exhibit featuring works inspired by two titans of cinema, filmmakers Quentin Tarantino and Stanley Kubrick, created by more than 30 local artists. The filled-to-capacity opening night reception featured DJs and $5 Jack Rabbit Slims milkshakes but if you missed the grand gala, the show runs through September 16.
Talking to the Albuquerque Journal, featured artist Everett Kelley says, “I grew up reading comic books, watching films and drawing my little heart away. For the last 19 years, I’ve never put my pencil down nor spared any ink. The subject of my work is predominantly set in pop culture/comic books. I use a mixture of traditional comic book penciling, inking, hand color and digital design. For my work in the ‘Tarantino vs. Kubrick Show,’ I used recycled wood for canvas and built the shadow boxes from scavenged pallets found around the city to represent the raw, pulpy feel of all Quentin Tarantino’s films. Each piece has a symbolic ‘complement’ to convey ’cause of death’ from each film.”
Everett Kelley artwork:

Opening night reception flyer: